Collecting Cats

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Cat Collecting

Cat-OpolyAs a child I wasn't allowed to keep animals in the home but, I always had a fascination as to what it would be like to have them. I would buy ceramic cats and dogs. I found my preference to be cats. I decided to stick with that.

I purchased my first ceramic cat almost twenty years ago. I sat it in front of my fire place.  I was always drawn to look at it when I entered the room. He had the most piercing green eyes I had ever seen. When you looked in them they seem to stare back at you.

When my father-in-law came by to visit one day he mentioned that he thought it was such a pretty cat. Most men don't notice stuff like that and I knew it must be special.

I told him "yep it really is". I would purchase cats here and there. Well...almost anywhere.

When I moved into my new home ten years ago I put all my cats in one of the bedrooms. When people came by they always noticed the cats.

For my birthday or Christmas my daughter and friends would buy me a cat for what they called "the cat room".
Now the bedroom and bathroom has cats everywhere!!


Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for educating me on the blogging

February 24, 2010 at 5:47 AM  

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