Collecting Cats

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Facts About Cats

Baby MJ In Cat Picture Frame

Cat In Front Of Cat Plates
Cat From San Antonio

Cats are docile yet playful. Their high levels of energy often make them perform antics that leaves us in splits. You may find them romping around in the garden in vain trying to catch a butterfly or struggling relentlessly to free themselves from rolls of yarn they have entangled themselves into. Whatever the situation, cats are amusing and very lovable!

It's such a warm feeling when your cat greets you at the door when you go back home from work, and then curls up besides you when you finally settle on the sofa!

The association between cats and human beings date back to the times in ancient Egypt, when the people then worshiped Bastet - The Cat Goddess of Home.


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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cat's Alive

Cat Constipation funny picture
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Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Cats

The kneading in cats can be painful for you, especially, when there are those sharp claws to contend with. So why do cats knead? Well, the deep seated need to knead the cat bed, cushions, blankets or even your lap is because of a trait that the cat has carried forward since it was a kitten. Here is a look at the common reasons why cats knead.


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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Facts About Cats...

Contrary to popular belief, our feline companions don't need to be let out at night in order to be happy. Many people still cling to the myth that cats need to be let outside at night to roam the neighborhood, hunt mice, harass other cats, and do everything else your typical alley cat does. Some would even go as far to say it's cruel to keep your kitty inside all the time!

Sadly, the opposite is often true. Cats allowed outside live significantly shorter lives than indoor-only cats. They catch diseases like Feline Leukemia and are injured by wild animals, dogs, other cats, and even cars. They eat things that can be harmful. They pester your neighbors and their pets. Perhaps worst of all, they reproduce if not spayed or neutered, creating another litter of homeless kittens, many of whom could end up being euthanized by animal control.

Cats on my Blanket
