Collecting Cats

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why Do Cats Purr?

Cats communication using purring. A kitten and its mother will purr as a sign of comfort and, after this, the kitten will continue the behavior through its life. Cats usually purr when something pleases them or when they feel safe and comfortable. It is known also that an anxious cat or one at death’s door might purr too, obviously for different reasons.

Purring is interesting because no one is really sure how the cat’s body produces the sound. It might be because of blood moving through the blood vessels. It might be because of soft palate vibrations.

Cat purring has been tested electromyographically, to show the electrical activity in the muscles of the cat. This could indicate that purring is caused when the muscles of the larynx, containing the vocal chords, are activated. the larynx partially closing, or glottis, could be responsible for the purring sounds.

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