Collecting Cats

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Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Cats...

Cats on The Wall

Cats On The Light Switch

Cats in The Window Sill

I'm glad to share them with you! 

Follow SHIRLEYBECK on Twitter

Friday, February 19, 2010

"Cat Napping"

What is it about being home along? Supposedly you're piddling around the house, on the computer, lounging on the couch watching television, or doing absolutely nothing.

Just enjoying being along. But then... (what)?  You find yourself "cat napping". Thought you were going to get some things done? Nope you rather take a nap...

My hubby went to do some painting at one of our properties. I chose not to go. Hey it's too cold and I can't see myself working tonight. I figured I'd stay home and relax.

I turned off the television, had a glass of wine, sat in front of my computer and that's where I've been all evening. All I can hear is the buttons on my keyboard as I type and surf the Internet.

It's been extremely quiet around the house. I almost wish I had gone with him because I hate being home  without him. It's ok during the day but at night I prefer he be home with me. It's always been that way with us and, I am not about ready for it to change. lol

Wait a minute I think I hear the garage door opening... now he enters the house. And what do you know...there he is.

Man I miss my hubby when he's not with me.

Follow SHIRLEYBECK on Twitter

Monday, February 8, 2010

Cat Collecting

Cat-OpolyAs a child I wasn't allowed to keep animals in the home but, I always had a fascination as to what it would be like to have them. I would buy ceramic cats and dogs. I found my preference to be cats. I decided to stick with that.

I purchased my first ceramic cat almost twenty years ago. I sat it in front of my fire place.  I was always drawn to look at it when I entered the room. He had the most piercing green eyes I had ever seen. When you looked in them they seem to stare back at you.

When my father-in-law came by to visit one day he mentioned that he thought it was such a pretty cat. Most men don't notice stuff like that and I knew it must be special.

I told him "yep it really is". I would purchase cats here and there. Well...almost anywhere.

When I moved into my new home ten years ago I put all my cats in one of the bedrooms. When people came by they always noticed the cats.

For my birthday or Christmas my daughter and friends would buy me a cat for what they called "the cat room".
Now the bedroom and bathroom has cats everywhere!!